The Collector by John Fowles Free Download Free Download

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I really enjoyed the start to this series! Schwab had such a unique idea - with the four Londons and their varying degrees of magic - and executed it extremely well. I loved all the details she included - it really made the story come alive. As for the characters Lila at times a bit over the top really balanced out the seriousness and coldness of Kell. The two of them working together had a really natural feel - as evidenced by their free-flowing banter. I was not myself. Audiobook Comments Read by Steven Crossley - and he did a great job.

This was a rather well-read audiobook. I do wish he would've had more emotion when it came to his characters but then again, Kell is supposed to be a little stand-offish. View all 28 comments. Alone the magic in this was everything and it was so dark and twisted that it was a delight to read about it. In my opinion this was a really great concept and I lived and breathed for the execution of it.

In short, the language did not matter, only the intention did. The mere idea of four different parallel Londons that exist next to each other was more than just intriguing as well. Alone the villains of this book!!! Ohh and Holland! In the characters section, of course! Tread carefully, my dear friend! A black that ran edge to edge, filling white and iris both. There was nothing human about that eye. It was pure magic. The mark of a blood magician. Of an Antari. They are my kryptonite.

Ask Lucien. He is part of the royal family and might seem to have it all, but when push came to shove his true status among the royals was revealed and my heart ached for him. Despite this he still had his own moral code and acted according to it, even if it meant that he was at a disadvantage when he had to face Holland and the Dane twins. Poor Kell! I had the feeling in some way or another he was figuratively and quite literally bleeding throughout the entire book.

But what she saw, she never shared. Kell took her hand and kissed it. But I am afraid of dying here. XD I mean I admire her resilience and stubbornness but I think sometimes she was way too sure of herself and that got her into a lot of trouble.

Also I could relate to her when it came to her choice of clothes. Lila only shrugged. Or perhaps it was the way he seemed to be made more of water and stone than flesh and blood and soul. It was so nice to watch him in action. XD Especially an intriguing background story.

I really wish we would have gotten more of it though. I mean we only got the necessary details to keep the story moving but there are so many things I would have loved to read about. Hell, this has trouble written all over it! If you ask me Kell basically handed him the means to come back even stronger! Dark things swirled just beneath the smooth black depths.

One word whispered through her mind. No, thought Kell as they set off. He suffered long enough. I hope that will change in the next one though. Also he seems to be unapologetically bi and I live and breathe for characters like that!!!

Still, judging by the little we saw and heard of him I can already tell that he loves Kell like a brother and would never do anything to harm him. Also was it just me or did Holland and Rhy actually flirt with each other?

Can anyone please tell me how exactly Holland suffered?!!! Apparently the Dane Twins had a reputation of torturing and forcing people to do their will. What exactly happened before they ascended the White throne?! I really wish we would have gotten more details here, because this really sounded like an interesting story!

Either way the Dane twins gave me the creeps. Astrid even more than her brother Athos. Magic and malice indeed. The first time it was even BDSM style! XD They were very different but for some reason they still worked. Plus they are both Antari. I wonder how their relationship is going to continue. There is a lot of potential that only needs to be explored. And then Lila brought her free hand to his jaw and tugged his mouth towards hers.

The kiss was there and then gone, like one of her smiles. Which is more than can be said about his parents, but Kell already knew that. Is it all yours? This was only just the beginning and what a marvellous one it was! Typical me! Do I even have to say more??!! Just bring it on! I got this! View all 52 comments. I'm not afraid of dying. Should have done this long ago. Kell is a magician named Antari. He has the ability to travel between Londons. Kell works for Red London royalty.

Or should I say- was adopted by the royalties. But, he has always felt as a possession and not as a family member. Well, except for the relat "Death comes for everyone. Well, except for the relationship with Rhy- who he claims to be his brother. The setting, the world that Schwab built, is so brilliant and fascinating. The different ways of which London lives, how Kell found names to each London, by the way they function. I especially love the story behind Black London- which is sealed because it was consumed by magic.

Kell meets Lila, a pickpocket in grey London- strong and spunky- a girl who desires to be a pirate, and longs for adventure. I loved both Kell and Lila, and I really loved how they worked together as a team. In fact, the reason they met was because Lila stole the dangerous artifact from Kell. And then- how they found themselves willing to be in a dangerous position just to help each other.

Which is amazing, because if you know me, you'll know that I appreciate love that comes from acquaintance. And who said there would be romance between them? Even if that seems to happen. And that's the kind of excitement I like- to wait and see what happens between these two. Kell was likable from the very beginning.

Then he realized how strong he really was, and so were we. I also liked Rhy, and I was sad that I didn't get the chance to really know him as a character. Holland is another Antari, who belongs to the dangerous, magic-lusting White London.

But I was angry with him because he tried to kill Kell, and I fucking love Kell. I do hope Holland will be in the sequels because I want to know more about him. They were strong, smart, sadistic and ruthless. It made me excited about the way they behave, and I was curious how Kell would deal with them.

The beginning was mostly a back story, and it took me a while to get into the vibe of the plot. By the way- Kell has a mysterious coat that has a different look for every place he visits and there are so many- some coats he has never seen, or seen once, and then never again.

How amazing is that? I want this coat. T who arrives in London. This is my sixth month on Goodreads and throughout that period, there are three series that always appeared on my feeds and probably everyone else. E Schwab. Endless arrow pinned me to a wall. I actually liked this book for a while until the underwhelming climax happened.

I love V. There is nothing remotely interesting about the plot. These days, there are a lot of stories and themes that have been overdone but somehow managed to deliver immersive and intriguing plot with great casts of characters and their developments.

There are no developments at all for the main characters except Lila. There, I talked about the main characters personality and their development progression throughout this whole book within one sentence. Seriously, out of everything I ever read, Kell is one of the most boring character of all time. The only thing intriguing about him is his coat and it's always a bad sign when the clothes is more captivating than the person.

Finally, the last problem I have with the book is the underwhelming magic and climax. If there's one thing that V. Even all the action scenes in the book are really standard and provides zero intensity. I read the climax sequences with a face and emotion so flat that drinking a hot Chamomile tea will give more reaction to my emotion. Because of these 3 factors that really shine from aDSoM. All 4 version of London have their unique characteristic.

And for the love of all that is holy and sacred not this abomination Despite everything, I still like the book enough to finish it and I still have hope for the future sequels. It won't be soon but I will continue with the series eventually with really low expectation. It lacked a touch of brilliance to make the book reach its maximum potential that the concept provides and I sincerely hope the sequels will receive the shade of magic it needs.

Jan 06, Elle ellexamines rated it it was amazing Shelves: zfaves , 5-star , favorite-relationships , gay-genre-fiction , x-series , sff-high-fantasy , lgbtq , genre-experiments , zreads , authors-of-color. So you may notice this book is kind of polarizing within the adult sff community; a little bit And for me personally it is Red London, a land of magic and peace. White London, a land of turmoil and war and an overuse of magic. And Black London, the land where magic went wrong and burnt out.

Only a few people can travel between worlds, and when one of the only two left, Kell, discovers a magic stone that could destroy his world, he and non-magical Lila go on a journey to put it back. Let's get the problems out of the way - the plotting is a mixed bag. Pro: fast-paced and never boring. This book is a page wild ride. Con: literally no driving force behind the plot.

The characters don't even have a quest until around page , and it makes the entire book feel just a bit messy. Her smile only sharpened. It was nigh-impossible for me to not be engaged in this story. The writing style is SO GOOD, lyrical and gorgeous and with a really nice flow to it; one of my good blogger friends discussed her sentence structure, and it is so fantastic.

The worldbuilding is creative and intriguing and perhaps best of all, makes a surprising amount of sense for such a wild concept. Also, I would die for these characters. Oddly, they didn't totally grow on me until like While I could recognize from the beginning that the leads were well-developed and interesting, it took me a while to feel as if I had a concrete concept of who they are.

And then we got to the ending and I was screaming in agony at the thought of these characters dying, and I was like "oh shit" and realized how much I love Kell and Lila and Rhy and how much I care about their relationships. Schwab does a lot of showing, not telling, which makes the character development a bit more subtle; these characters are based off their motivations perhaps even more than their actual traits.

Slow start, flawless payoff. I actually want to talk a little more specifically about these characters because when I think back on this series, they are always what come to mind. Kell is a grumpy child who we love anyway. Lila is a fucking badass genderfluid thief with a soft side and I love her. Rhy is a bisexual prince [literally] who spends half his time dragging people.

Even Holland, the sort-of-villain, is a super dynamic and intriguing character. I love them. They are perhaps two of the most different people ever and they love each other so much it's beautiful. Super highly recommended for fans of creative, engaging fantasy. Blog Goodreads Twitter Youtube View all 32 comments. Jan 19, Hannah Azerang rated it really liked it Shelves: favorites.

My spoiler free video review is now up!! That was incredible!! Schwab is truly a master when it comes to crafting multidimensional, well rounded, and flawed characters. Rhy is so pure and precious. Kell deserves love and happiness. And Lila. Lila Bard is my new queen. This was truly one of the most realistic fantasy worlds I've ever read about. I mean that in the sense that the world seemed like My spoiler free video review is now up!! I mean that in the sense that the world seemed like something that could actually exist.

The world was complex and intricate, but just grounded enough that the concept of 4 parallel London's is something I can truly conceptualize. In other words, it made me believe that the magic was real. As always, Schwab's writing was absolutely engaging. It's concise and simplistic, yet still full of warmth and depth.

Retrieved May 9, Archived from the original on June 25, Gratis Comic Tag. Archived from the original on May 9, Comics Beat. Archived from the original on June 15, Archived from the original on May 14, October 24, Archived from the original on February 20, USA Today. Archived from the original on September 28, Archived from the original on February 21, We Got This Covered.

Cleveland Scene. Flickering Myth. Hollywood Reporter. Houston Press. Archived from the original on April 13, The Oklahoman. United States: Children's Book Council. Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Chicago Now. Archived from the original on August 23, Meelple Mountain. Archived from the original on January 20, Categories : in comics American comics Book promotion Cartooning events Comics industry Comics terminology Free goods and services May observances Recurring events established in Namespaces Article Talk.

Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Promotion , cultural. Over 2, comic book shops worldwide. Diamond Comics Distributors. Spider-Man [6] [9]. X2 [13]. Spider-Man 2 [33]. Spider-Man 3 [35]. Iron Man [36]. X-Men Origins: Wolverine [8]. Unable to make any normal contact, Clegg decides to add her to his "collection" of pretty, preserved objects, in the hope that if he keeps her captive long enough, she will grow to love him.

After careful preparations, he kidnaps Miranda by drugging her with chloroform and locks her up in the cellar of his house. He is convinced that Miranda will start to love him after some time. However, when she wakes up, she confronts him with his actions. Clegg is embarrassed and promises to let her go after a month. He promises to show her "every respect", pledging not to sexually molest her and to shower her with gifts and the comforts of home, on one condition: she can't leave the cellar.

The second part of the novel is narrated by Miranda in the form of fragments from a diary that she keeps during her captivity. Miranda reminisces over her previous life throughout this section of the novel; and many of her diary entries are written either to her sister or to a man named G.

Miranda reveals that G. At first, Miranda thinks that Clegg has sexual motives for abducting her; but, as his true character begins to be revealed, she realises that this is not true. She begins to pity her captor, comparing him to Caliban in Shakespeare 's play The Tempest because of his hopeless obsession with her.

Clegg tells Miranda that his first name is Ferdinand eventual winner of Miranda's affections in The Tempest. Miranda tries to escape several times, but Clegg stops her. She also tries to seduce him to convince him to let her go. The only result is that he becomes confused and angry. As Clegg repeatedly refuses to release her, she begins to fantasize about killing him.

After a failed attempt to do so, Miranda enters a period of self-loathing. She decides that to kill Clegg would lower her to his level. She refrains from any further attempts to do so. Before she can try to escape again, she becomes seriously ill and dies. The third part of the novel is narrated by Clegg.

At first, he wants to commit suicide after he finds Miranda dead; but, after he reads in her diary that she never loved him, he decides that he is not responsible for what happened to her and is better off without her.



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